Effect of maximizing the number of effective chips

Even if you understand the definition of the number of effective chips (the number of complete chips that can be cut from one wafer), how do you maximize it? Isn't it usually maximized? How much effective chips increase? I think various questions come up.
First, let's define the chip aspect ratio and wafer placement method that will be the basis for comparison. Now, the standard of the chip aspect ratio is a square. There is no reason to reference a rectangle other than a square, and a square is an intuitively preferred shape. In addition, squares are an intuitively preferred shape. This is because if the shape is extremely slender and the long side reaches the diameter, even one chip cannot be cut out. Therefore, it is natural to think that the opposite pole shape, square, is preferable. Next, consider the wafer layout (determining the relative position between the chip grid and the center of the wafer circle). If the chip shape is a rectangle (a square is one of rectangles) and the wafer shape is a circle, both are symmetrical shapes. In this case, it is natural to choose a symmetrical position as well. According to the information I have heard, the most common method is to select the wafer center from the chip corner and the center (two-point method).

Effects of wafer placement optimization

Effects of chip aspect ratio optimization

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(Update Oct 29, 2023)